Our Work

BRIEF: First 3 minutes noodle bar pop up

VENUE: Old Street Station

EVENT: One month pop up bar.

Utter the words ‘instant noodles’ here in the UK, we think of one of hangovers greatest cures, the trusted Pot Noodle. However, things changed when Guilty Noodle came to town for a months pop up in one of London’s busiest commuter routes, Old Street Station.

Guilty Noodle opened its doors to a very hungry crowd on September 6th. The cleverly designed store optimised modern Japanese culture from the origami paper walls to privacy booths to sit and slurp but best of all, a giant noodle pot vending machine wall.

The concept was simple: within three minutes of ordering you could have a delicious inexpensive meal, albeit a very naughty one. With over 60 varieties of authentic 3-minute noodles, this was noodle heaven.