Our Work

BRIEF: Bring Social Exposure's Naked Painting Party across the pond to London for the first ever #NPPLondon with 200 revellers.

VENUE: Trapeze Bar, Shoreditch

EVENT: In the lead up to the event social media was utilised to spread the word great interaction was generated using the #NPPLondon hashtag, while the #NPPLondon army hit the streets, covered in paint, they interacted with Londoners, promoting the first Naked Painting Party. On Sunday 25th May Social Exposure Naked Painting Party 2014 World Tour stopped in London. Here hundreds of naked revellers and invited press got as naked as they felt comfortable and headed to Trapeze Bar where they painted each other with UV paint and danced to the best House DJs in London.

Press coverage included features in Daily Mail, Metro, Time Out, FHM, Shoreditch Radio, Don't Panic, Twenty Somethin London and The City Owl.